jueves, 13 de marzo de 2014

La estrella de Hollywood que nos regalo de $ 90 a una mujer que lo atendía en un café en santa monica
El actor generoso Ben Affleck no dudó en pedir una camarera para quedarse con el cambio de un billete de $ 100. 

 dollares para hacer una rápida parar en una tienda en Santa Mónica una enorme pista de que no sólo explica la prisa que tenía el actor en un intento de que no sea demasiado tarde para la reunión, pero también por el hecho de que no tenía nada que pagar perdida como desayuno ligero

Flappy Bird Dominicano

Es El Nuevo Juego De Flappy Bird 2014 Pero Dominican
Un Platano Y salamis Representan LA Cultura Dominicana Y Aqui Un Juego Con esas Caracteristicas

Si Eres Dominicano Tienes Que Probarlo 
Ponto Estara disponible En PlayStore Mira El Video Y Dime Que Tal Como Esta 

How sad this is happening now Venezuela Miss Venezuela dies genesis in the protest wound fighting for his country is doing as Venezuelans, fighting for their freedoms, this was in protest to fight for your freedoms.

The Venezuelan authorities today confirmed the death of my Genesis Carmona ricibio who yesterday shot in the head during student protest in Venezuela. valencia province.
Since this is added together with the other three students killed by the unjust government action mature share this information for the world to see

                                                           alleged person who shot him           

Justin Bierber jealous So this is the prince of pop, and the singer justin Bierber not stand seeing his ex, Selena Gomez, Niall Horanen with his arms, much less if it's so Lindos as Niall Horan. Although a few weeks ago declared war, it seems the prince Justin pod still beats a little by Selena. How all this will continue calenton

The singer justin Bierber is calm as ever !!!

Trying to put the issue high has had with the law and his neighbors singer Justin Bierber the prince of pop, he assured his fans that he would focus on his career through a message broadcast on the evening of Wednesday 19

 February. You will find the comfort of his mother and the public on the social network Twitter

love my mother @ pattiemallete

Voelviendo routine before 19 years

of dance rehearsal. Guitar lessons. Writing sessions. Strengthening voice. Study of school. Always working hard to improve.


Para ayudarte a elegir a la hora de comprar una moto de segunda mano, hemos elaborado este texto con algunos consejos e indicaciones para hacer tu compra más fácil

  1. ¿Cuánto quiero gastarme? Lógicamente es lo primero a tener en cuenta. Hay que sentarse y hacer cuentas, es muy importante saber de antemano lo que te quieres gastar, te hará más fácil la búsqueda e impedirá que al final gastes más de lo que querías. No olvides incluir una cantidad para los gastos adicionales: Matricula, seguro, casco, vestimenta, etc. Reserva también una pequeña cantidad para hacerle una revisión completa y ponerla a punto. 
  2. ¿Por donde empezar la búsqueda? Sin duda, Lo más fácil es empezar por internet, hay bastantes sitios de compra venta de motos de segunda mano. Procura buscar anuncios de venta de motos cerca de donde vives, así podrás ver y probar la moto antes de comprarla. No se te ocurra comprar la moto sin antes verla y probarla.
  3. Qué mirar antes de comprar una moto de segunda mano: No está de más tratar de conocer a la persona que nos va a vender la moto y en la medida de lo posible tratar de saber si es de fiar. Por ello, no tengas reparos en hacer todas las preguntas que creas convenientes: Por qué razón vende la moto; Cuándo la compró; el uso que le ha dado; Si ha tenido algún accidente; etc.
    En cualquier caso, lo ideal al realizar la compra es ir acompañado de una persona de confianza que sea experto en la materia. Si no conoces a nadie, tú mismo puedes hacer la revisión de la moto. Esto es lo que tienes que mirar.
    • Aspecto general: Lo primero es ver el aspecto general, debes buscar arañazos, golpes, zonas oxidadas, abolladuras, etc. Todos estos detalles indican si la moto ha sufrido caídas o ha tenido alguna reparación. El examen visual también debe incluir un repaso a la limpieza y el estado de conservación. Pequeñas manchas de aceite o la acumulación de polvo no sólo aportan información sobre cómo ha sido tratada la moto y el cuidado que se ha tenido con ella, sino también sobre el estado de la mecánica interior.
    • Tubo de escape: Si la moto aún conserva la pieza original puede indicar que se le han realizado pocos kilómetros. Si, por el contrario, tiene un tubo de escape que no es original, hay que cerciorarse de que no está oxidado y de que no produce excesivo ruido.
    • Frenos: El desgaste de las pastillas de freno y el grosor de los discos son un buen indicativo del uso que se le ha dado a la moto. Los discos deben estar lisos y rectos, las pinzas no deben tener fugas de líquido. Tampoco deben tener fugas los retenes de las horquillas. Comprueba el grosor de las pastillas y ten en cuenta que si están muy gastadas tendrás que cambiarlas por unas nuevas.
    • Neumáticos. Podemos conocer su edad por el desgaste de los mismos y las posibles grietas de las gomas. Junto a ellos, las llantas deben ser objeto de una revisión detallada en busca de posibles golpes. Una de las comprobaciones más sencillas consiste en levantarlas del suelo y hacerlas girar en vacío tomando un punto de referencia recto para comprobar que no están dobladas.
    • Amortiguación: Si notas que las horquillas no vuelven de forma suave y uniforme, es que al menos una de ellas está dañada. Comprueba que tanto las barras de la horquilla como el amortiguador trasero están totalmente secos, no debe haber nada de aceite. Ten en cuenta que si el amortiguador pierde aceite, tendrás que cambiarlo.
    • Electrónica: Comprueba el funcionamiento de las luces (faros, pilotos e intermitentes), del cuadro de instrumentos y del claxon.
    • Motor: Es conveniente arrancar la moto en frío (Un truco sencillo cuando la moto no arranca bien que puede usar el vendedor es tenerla arrancada un rato antes de que tú llegues); escucha detenidamente el sonido del motor, debe ser regular. Comprueba que no hay fugas o pérdidas de aceite en la unión de los manguitos o en las juntas. Comprueba que elhumo del tubo de escape no contiene aceite (pon la mano o un papel y mira si se mancha). Si suelta mucho aceite, a parte de saber que el aceite es caro y será un gasto añadido, es una indicación de que la moto no está bien cuidada.
    • Kilometraje: Primero mira los kilómetros que marca el cuentakilómetros y comprueba que funciona correctamente. Si te parece que son demasiado pocos, o tienes la sospecha de que lo han manipulado (Analógicos o digitales, todos pueden manipularse) conviene mirar algunas cosas para saber el uso real que ha tenido la moto: Mira si las estriberas de goma están gastadas; el estado de la goma de las palancas de cambio y de freno; el estado de los puños del manillar (se agrietan con el uso); la luneta del carenado (pierde transparencia con el tiempo); el estado del sillín (con el uso se deforma), etc.
    • Conducción: comprueba la aceleración, la frenada y la dirección.
    • Documentación: Comprueba que toda la documentación está en regla (Permiso de circulación, tarjeta ITV e impuesto de circulación al corriente de pago) y que el numero de bastidor es el mismo que el de los papeles, para asegurarte que la moto no es robada.
  4. Precio de compra: Esto es difícil de determinar. Todo dependerá de la marca y modelo de la moto que vas a comprar, su antigüedad y el estado de conservación en el que se encuentre. Lo mejor que puedes hacer es buscar anuncios de venta de motos de segunda mano similares y hacerte una idea aproximada de los precios que hay en el mercado
  5. Consejos generales de compra-venta:
    • Sin prisas: No te sientas presionado a la hora de comprar y evita dejarte influir por expresiones como “tienes que darme una respuesta ahora. Tengo otra persona interesada…” hay cientos de motos en el mercado.
    • Busca y busca: Prueba varias motos antes de decidirte. Cuanto más busques más posibilidades tienes de conseguir la mejor oportunidad.
    • Estafas: Ten cuidado con los posibles estafadores. Aunque no es lo habitual, es cierto que algunos vendedores mal intencionados buscan la manera de estafar utilizando sitios de compra venta de segunda mano. Es bueno conocer las estafas por internet más comunes.
Por último, recuerda que conducir una motocicleta además de proveernos el desplazamiento es un placer, no lo conviertas en una tragedia. Conduce con precaución y usa siempre el casco.

Brazilian Eduarda Mello de Queiroz, national rhythmic gymnastics medalist, has died at age 17 in a traffic accident occurred in the city of Viana, in the state of Espirito Santo, sources federativas.Según police, the accident occurred in Viana outside when the car carrying the gymnast and two others went into a ravine for reasons ...

Being Single

Being Single

When it comes to fashion and beauty, Ariana Grande knows what she likes — high ponytails, major lashes, crop tops, platform pumps, and, of course, skater skirts! But every girl has to switch up her style sometimes, no matter how cute she might look in fit-and-flare minis. Which is why we combed the Internet for evidence that Ariana does, in fact, own pants—jeans, even, and has ditched her go-to silhouette for other styles from time to time. Click through to check out eight times the pop star ditched her signature flouncy hems and still looked amazing.

The Internet just can't get enough of Disney's mega-hit Frozen—and the ah-mazing songs from the animated flick. While tons of mashups and covers of the animated flick's beautiful theme song, "Let It Go," have popped up on YouTube, nothing will ever top the mega-amazing "Africanized Tribal Cover" by Alex Boye, featuring the unbelievably talented One Voice Children's Choir. 
If you haven't seen the brilliant cover, watch it now!

6 steps to a super-cool fauxhawk!

Our April issue (on newsstands now!) is all about hair, and in honor of the issue, Beauty Assistant Jillian is putting down her flat iron and challenging herself to 30 days of her natural curls! Follow along each week as Jillian shows you how to recreate one of the fun styles she'll be testing out during her 30 Days of Curls challenge.
I've spent years trying to figure out new, unique ways to rock my curls without a head full of frizz, and this is one of my faves. The fluffy fauxhawk is super cute, and it's MUCH chicer than my go-to messy bun. Check out the simple step-by-step below!
1. Separate the top third of your hair, and pull it back.
2. Twist the section into a loose bun, and secure with an elastic that matches your hair color.
3. Take the middle third of your hair and repeat steps 1 and 2. Make sure to line it up right below the first bun, so you start forming the "mohawk."
4. Pull the remainder of your hair back, and repeat steps 1 and 2.
5. Gently tug at the buns to make them fuller and fluffier, while getting them to form a perfect line.
6. Apply a little styling cream to smooth frizzies at the front, and you're done! Try adding some sparkly clips or cool hairpins to one of the sections if you want to dress up the look for prom.

Don’t Mistake Lust For Love..

Don't Mistake Lust For Love

If a man wants to sleep with you it does not necessarily mean he loves you. Don’t let a man touch your body unless he has completely touched your heart and soul .The only man who deserves you is the one who loves your soul more than your body. The one who respects you and doesn’t force you to compromise with your values and ethics…. Aarti Khurana

It appears that when Justin Bieber thinks of fun, Selena Gomez disappears from your mind, is that the pop star was with his friend Jaden Smith and other women at a party where the former Disney girl conspicuous by his absence.

According to the website Hollywood Life, Justin Bieber traveled last May 29 in New York to support Jaden Smith at the premiere of the film 'After Earth' and celebrated all night with his friends.

It is said that the great friends enjoyed several holidays in some of the hottest clubs in New York, picked up some girls but only report that there was good fun for the peace of 'Selly'. The Canadian left his hotel around midnight and returned when the clocks were 5:30 in the morning, after an hour later went to the airport to return to Los Angeles.

Kylie Jenner and Jaden Smith were spotted holding hands after the movie, after watching 'World War Z'. All indicate that adolescents have a relationship.

A little nervous Kylie Jenner could not hide his discomfort to see the presence of the cameras and immediately released Jaden Smith's hand. See photo on la.eonline.com.

As recalled, the strong rumors about a possible relationship between Kylie Jenner and Jaden Smith became increasingly stronger, but Will Smith would not be very happy and that on one occasion he advised his son not to have a girlfriend.

Jaden Smith is caught smoking - Photos

Jaden Smith spent the 4th of July party at the beach house of the Kardashian-Jenner family in Malibu, where he chose to relax 'smoking'. Rebellion? Own age? 

The paparazzi managed to capture the son of Will Smith taking a cigarette between his fingers and then direct it to his mouth. These images have not stopped surprising, since the young actor has only 14. 

In related news, Kylie Jenner on Tuesday, alleged conquest of Jaden Smith was spotted on a date with Lil Twist, also a friend of Justin Bieber.

In recent months much rumored about a possible relationship between Kylie Jenner and Jaden Smith , who have been captured together on several occasions and even holding hands . But this time the younger sister of the Kardashians said the son of Will Smith is just your best friend.

' I have no boyfriend, but I want one for prom and have the full experience . I would go with someone who is not afraid . ( ... ) But if I find boyfriend by then , I'd be with me my best friend, as Jaden (Smith) . I know that amuse me a lot with him , makes me laugh and is an extraordinary dancer ' , Kylie Jenner confessed to Seventeen magazine .

Meanwhile, Kylie Jenner said the prom prompts some things borrowed and Khloé Kardashian Kim . ' I always take borrowed clothes from my sisters. For example , I will ask for my graduation shoes Khloé because it has the best, Kim dresses and bags because much admire your style ' .

Justin Bieber and Will Smith have achieved a unique record. And is that a photo on Instagram, where both appear, has been the most popular of the year, because it is the image that most 'likes' wins.

The singer of 'Baby' has 12 million followers on his Instagram account so every time you publish something has enough impact. And when he shared a photo taken with Will Smith once had 61,223 1.4989.552 comments and likes. And the most used hashtag was # love.

As you know, Will Smith and Justin Bieber have a good relationship. The artist has chosen the faithful counselor pop idol and has even gone to visit him at his house several times.

Nicki Minaj has become a fashion icon worldwide. The rapper invited his fans to Instagram to give a glimpse of his upcoming clothing line for Kmart.

In the photos, the singer, 29, combines lively and colorful clothes that will soon be available at a super affordable price.

In addition, the new collection includes a series of mini-dresses and tight trousers, very characteristic of the rapper. No doubt that Nicki Minaj looks flawless wearing every article of his new collection.

Justin Bieber has sparked concern from his fans for his erratic behavior and obviously her mother, who before the arrest of the singer asked the world to pray for him. A source said that Pattie Mallette is what mantiendo near your child to talk about everything well.

'But she can not make decisions for him. She's really worried about Justin and said in many interviews that he does not have his head in the clouds 'said the aide to' E! News.

'If she is with Justin, is accused of supporting or let him do what he does, and if they learn that she is not with him, accusing her of not being with her ​​son at a time like this, "added the font.

But who would have problems with the attitude of Justin Bieber is his father, Jeremy Bieber, as it has been known to have smoked marijuana together in flight. What will Pattie Mallette about it?

Justin Bieber was thinking of leaving Calabasas, California, and moved to Atlanta (Georgia), where he lived when he first began his musical career. The Canadian has been in that city accompanied by TI and Puff Daddy, not only to relax but also to familiarize yourself and seek a mansion.

The singer would be looking at the possibility of moving because of the problems it had with its neighbors in Calabasas, but the biggest reason would be related to the harassment of the paparazzi. It is known that 'Biebs' also took their days in Atlanta to see his mother, Pattie Mallette.